MIDI/Score Interoperability opcodes
The following opcodes can be used to design instruments that work interchangably for real-time MIDI and score events:
- midichannelaftertouch
- midichn
- midicontrolchange
- mididefault
- midinoteoff
- midinoteoncps
- midinoteonkey
- midinoteonoct
- midinoteonpch
- midipitchbend
- midipolyaftertouch
- midiprogramchange.
Adapting a score-activated Csound instrument.
To adapt an ordinary Csound instrument designed for score activation for score/MIDI interoperability:
- Change all linen, linseg, and expseg opcodes to linenr, linsegr, and expsegr, respectively, except for a de-clicking or damping envelope. This will not materially change score-driven performance.
- Add the following lines at the beginning of the instrument definition: Obviously, midinoteoncps could be changed to midinoteonoct or any of the other options, and the choice of p-fields is arbitrary.
MIDI Realtime Input/Ouput command line options
New MIDI I/O flags in Csound 5.02, can replace most uses of these MIDI interop opcodes, and make usage easier.