Maps an input MIDI velocity number to an output gain factor with a maximum value of 1, modifying the output gain by a dynamic range and a shaping exponent.
Plugin opcode in ampmidid.
The minimum output gain is 1 minus the dynamic range. A shaping exponent of 1 gives a linear response; increasing the exponent produces an increasingly depressed knee in the gain response curve.
igain ampmidicurve ivelocity, idynamicrange, iexponent
kgain ampmidicurve kvelocity, kdynamicrange, kexponent
_imidivelocity _ -- MIDI velocity number, ranging from 0 through 127.
idynamicrange -- Intended dynamic range of gain, from 0 through 1.
iexponent -- Exponent applied to shape the gain response curve, 1 or greater.
_kmidivelocity _ -- MIDI velocity number, ranging from 0 through 127.
kdynamicrange -- Intended dynamic range of gain, from 0 through 1.
kexponent -- Exponent applied to shape the gain response curve, 1 or greater.
Maps an input MIDI velocity number to an output gain factor with a maximum value of 1, modifying the output gain by a dynamic range and a shaping exponent. The minimum output gain is 1 minus the dynamic range. A shaping exponent of 1 gives a linear response; increasing the exponent produces an increasingly depressed knee in the gain response curve, according to the equation: \(y = d \; (x/127)^h + 1 - d\), where \(y\) = the gain, \(x\) = the input MIDI velocity (from 0 through 127), \(d\) = the dynamic range (from p through 1), and \(h\) = the shaping exponent (1 or greater). This opcode was suggested by Mauro Giubileo.
Here is an example of the ampmidicurve opcode. It uses the file ampmidicurve.csd.
See also
Author: Michael Gogins