Decodes an ambisonic B format signal into loudspeaker specific signals.
ao1, ao2 bformdec1 isetup, aw, ax, ay, az [, ar, as, at, au, av \
[, abk, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq]]
ao1, ao2, ao3, ao4 bformdec1 isetup, aw, ax, ay, az [, ar, as, at, au, av \
[, abk, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq]]
ao1, ao2, ao3, ao4, ao5 bformdec1 isetup, aw, ax, ay, az [, ar, as, at, au, av \
[, abk, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq]]
ao1, ao2, ao3, ao4, ao5, ao6, ao7, ao8 bformdec1 isetup, aw, ax, ay, az \
[, ar, as, at, au, av [, abk, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq]]
aout[] bformdec1 isetup, abform[]
Note that horizontal angles are measured anticlockwise in this description.
isetup –- loudspeaker setup. There are five supported setups:
- 1: Stereo - L(90), R(-90); this is an M+S style stereo decode.
- 2: Quad - FL(45), BL(135), BR(-135), FR(-45). This is a first-order `in-phase' decode.
- 3: 5.0 - L(30),R(-30),C(0),BL(110),BR(-110). Note that many people do not actually use the angles above for their speaker arrays and a good decode for DVD etc can be achieved using the Quad configuration to feed L, R, BL and BR (leaving C silent).
- 4: Octagon - FFL(22.5), FLL(67.5), BLL(112.5), BBL(157.5), BBR(-157.5), BRR(-112.5), FRR(-67.5), FFR(-22.5). This is a first-, second- or third-order `in-phase' decode, depending on the number of input channels.
- 5: Cube - FLD(45,-35.26), FLU(45,35.26), BLD(135,-35.26), BLU(135,35.26), BRD(-135,-35.26), BRU(-135,35.26), FRD(-45,-35.26), FRU(-45,35.26). This is a first-order `in-phase' decode.
aw, ax, ay, ... -- input signal in the B format.
ao1 .. ao8 -- loudspeaker specific output signals.
Here is an example of the bformdec1 opcode. It uses the file bformenc1.csd.
See also
Panning and Spatialization: Ambisonics
Author: Richard Furse, Bruce Wiggins and Fons
Adriaensen, following code by Samuel Groner
New in version 5.09