Break point function with cosine (easy-in/easy-out) interpolation
Plugin opcode in emugens.
Given an x value and a series of pairs (x, y), it returns the corresponding y value in the half cosine curve defined by the pairs. It works both at i- and k- time
ky bpfcos kx, kx1, ky1, kx2, ..., kxn, kyn
kys[] bpfcos kxs[], kx1, ky1, kx2, ..., kxn, kyn
ky bpfcos kx, kxs[], kys[]
ky bpfcos kx, ixs[], iys[]
ky, kz bpfcos kx, kxs[], kys[], kzs[]
ky, kz bpfcos kx, ixs[], iys[], izs[]
kx -- Input value. Can also be an array
kxn, kyn -- Defines a breakpoint. Can be changed at krate, but all _kx_s must be sorted
The points (kx1, ky1), (kx2, ky2), etc, define a cosine interpolated function. This function is evaluated at point kx. This function extends to both -inf and +inf, so if kx < kx1 then ky = ky1 and the same holds true the other end.
Array Variants:
For each x in kxs, calculate the y value defined by the points (kx1, ky1), ... (kxn, kyn)
In this variants the points are defined through arrays. ixs contains all the x values, iys contains all the y values
The same as the variant above, but for multidimensional points. Given two curves sharing the same x points, calculate the value at x for both dimensions simultaneously. (see example)
x values need to be sorted. Both x and y values can change but x values must stay sorted.
Here is an example of the bpfcos opcode. It uses the file bpfcos.csd.
See also
Linear and Exponential Generators
By: Eduardo Moguillansky 2018
New plugin in version 6.12
Array versions in version 6.14