Reads data from a channel of the inward named software bus.
Implies declaring the channel with imode=1 (see also chn_k, chn_a, and chn_S).
ival chnget Sname
kval chnget Sname
aval chnget Sname
Sval chnget Sname
Sval chngetks Sname
ival[] chngeti Sname[]
kval[] chngetk Sname[]
aval[] chngeta Sname[]
Sval[] chngets Sname[]
Sname -- a string that identifies a channel of the named software bus to read.
Sname[] -- an array of named software channels to query.
ival -- the control value read at i-time.
Sval -- the string value read at i-time.
ival[] -- an array of control values read at i-time.
Sval{} -- an array of strings read at i-time.
kval -- the control value read at performance time.
kval[] -- an array of control values read at performance time.
aval -- the audio signal read at performance time.
aval[] -- the array of audio vectors read at performance time.
Sval -- the string value read at k-rate. The chnget opcode works both at i-time and perf-time, whereas chngetks works only at perf-time. String variables are only updated if the channel has changed.
Although it is possible to loop through channel names from an array with chnget and chnset, using the array based variants is more efficient.
The example shows the software bus being used as an asynchronous control signal to select a filter cutoff. It assumes that an external program that has access to the API is feeding the values.
Here is another example of the chnget opcode. It uses the file chnget.csd.
See also
Author: Istvan Varga
Array based channel opcodes added in version 6.14 - Rory Walsh