Reverberates an input signal with a “colored” frequency response. with a FIR filter.
ilpt -- loop time in seconds, which determines the “echo density” of the reverberation. This in turn characterizes the “color” of the combinv filter whose frequency response curve will contain ilpt * sr/2 peaks spaced evenly between 0 and sr/2 (the Nyquist frequency). Loop time can be as large as available memory will permit. The space required for an n second loop is n*sr floating or double numbers (usually 4 or 8 bytes). Delay space is allocated and returned as in delay.
iskip (optional, default=0) -- initial disposition of delay-loop data space (cf. reson). The default value is 0.
insmps (optional, default=0) -- delay amount, as a number of samples.
krvt -- the reverberation time (defined as the time in seconds for a signal to decay to 1/1000, or 60dB down from its original amplitude).
This filter reiterates input with an echo density determined by loop time ilpt. The attenuation rate is independent and is determined by krvt, the reverberation time (defined as the time in seconds for a signal to decay to 1/1000, or 60dB down from its original amplitude). Affect from a combinv filter will appear only after ilpt seconds.
Here is an example of the combinv opcode. It uses the file combinv.csd.
See also
Author: John ffitch
October 2012