Allows a floating-point 7-bit MIDI signal scaled with a minimum and a maximum range.
idest ctrl7 ichan, ictlno, imin, imax [, ifn]
kdest ctrl7 ichan, ictlno, kmin, kmax [, ifn]
adest ctrl7 ichan, ictlno, kmin, kmax [, ifn] [, icutoff]
idest -- output signal
ichan -- MIDI channel (1-16)
ictlno -- MIDI controller number (0-127)
imin -- user-defined minimum floating-point value of output
imax -- user-defined maximum floating-point value of output
ifn (optional) -- table to be read when indexing is required. Table must be normalized. Output is scaled according to imax and imin val.
icutoff (optional) -- low pass filter cut-off frequency for smoothing a-rate output.
kdest, adest -- output signal
kmin -- user-defined minimum floating-point value of output
kmax -- user-defined maximum floating-point value of output
ctrl7 (i- and k-rate 7 bit MIDI control) allows a floating-point 7-bit MIDI signal scaled with a minimum and a maximum range. It also allows optional non-interpolated table indexing. Minimum and maximum values can be varied at k-rate.
ctrl7 differs from midic7 because it can be included in score-oriented instruments without Csound crashes. It also needs the additional parameter ichan containing the MIDI channel of the controller.
The a-rate version of ctrl7 outputs an a-rate variable, which is low-pass filtered (smoothed). It contains an optional icutoff parameter, to set the cutoff frecuency for the low-pass filter. The default is 5.
Here is an example of the ctrl7 opcode. It uses the file ctrl7.csd.
ctrl7 only outputs k values once the controller is first moved. To set an initial k-value, a call to initc7 is required. Ctrlinit does not work for this purpose.
See also
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
New in Csound version 3.47
Thanks goes to Rasmus Ekman for pointing out the correct MIDI channel and controller number ranges.
The a-rate version of ctrl7 was added in version 5.06