Trace a series of exponential segments between specified absolute points.
ia -- starting value. Zero is illegal for exponentials.
ib, ic, etc. -- value at tim1 seconds, etc. For exponentials, must be non-zero and must agree in sign with ia.
itim1 -- time in seconds of end of first segment.
itim2, itim3, etc. -- time in seconds of subsequent ends of segments.
These units generate control or audio signals whose values can pass through 2 or more specified points. The last tim value may or may not equal the instrument's performance time: a shorter performance will truncate the specified pattern, while a longer one will cause the last-defined segment to continue on in the same direction.
Note that the expsegb opcode does not operate correctly at audio rate when segments are shorter than a k-period. Try the expsegba opcode instead.
Here is an example of the expsegb opcode. It uses the file expsegb.csd.
See also
Linear and Exponential Generators
Author: Victor Lazzarini
June 2011
New in version 5.14