Allows text to be displayed from instruments like sliders etc. (only on Unix and Windows at present)
Plugin opcode in control.
iwhich -- the number of the window.
String -- the string to be displayed.
Note that this opcode is not available on Windows due to the implimentation of pipes on that system.
A window is created, identified by the iwhich argument, with the text string displayed. If the text is replaced by a number then the window id deleted. Note that the text windows are globally numbered so different instruments can change the text, and the window survives the instance of the instrument.
Here is an example of the flashtxt opcode. It uses the file flashtxt.csd.
See also
Sensing and Control: TCL/TK widgets
Author: John ffitch
University of Bath, Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
New in Csound version 4.11