Displays a box with a grid useful for visualizing two-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis.
Plugin opcode in widgets. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. These FLTK widgets do not work on the Mac. The plugin repository can be found here: https://github.com/csound/plugins.
FLhvsBox displays a box with a grid useful for visualizing two-dimensional Hyper Vectorial Synthesis.
ihandle – an integer number used a univocally-defined handle for identifying a specific HVS box (see below).
inumlinesX, inumlinesY - number of vertical and horizontal lines delimiting the HVS squared areas
iwidth, iheight - width and height of the HVS box
ix, iy - the position of the HVS box
FLhvsBox is a widget able to visualize current position of the HVS cursor in an HVS box (i.e. a squared area containing a grid). The number of horizontal and vertical lines of the grid can be defined with the inumlinesX, inumlinesY arguments. This opcode has to be declared inside an FLpanel - FLpanelEnd block. See the entry for hvs2 for an example of usage of FLhvsBox.
FLhvsBoxSetValue is used to set the cursor position of an FLhvsBox widget.
See Also
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
New in version 5.06