Function-table-based crossfading looper.
This opcode reads audio from a function table and plays it back in a loop with user-defined start time, duration and crossfade time. It also allows the pitch of the loop to be controlled, including reversed playback. It accepts non-power-of-two tables, such as deferred-allocation GEN01 tables, with one or two channels.
_istart _ -- loop start pos in seconds
_idur _ -- loop duration in seconds
_ifad _ -- crossfade duration in seconds
_ifn _ -- function table number, generally created using GEN01
asig[,asig2] -- output sig (mono or stereo)
kamp -- amplitude control
kpitch -- pitch control (transposition ratio); negative values play the loop back in reverse
The example above shows the basic operation of flooper. Pitch can be controlled at the k-rate, as well as amplitude. The example assumes table 1 to contain at least 5.05 seconds of audio (4 secs loop duration, starting 1 sec into the table, using 0.05 secs after the loop end for the crossfade).
Here is another example of the flooper opcode. It uses the file flooper.csd and fox.wav.
See also
Author: Victor Lazzarini
April 2005
New plugin in version 5
April 2005.