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Assigns a preset from a SoundFont to a channel on a fluidEngine.


fluidProgramSelect ienginenum, ichannelnum, isfnum, ibanknum, ipresetnum

Plugin opcode in fluidOpcodes. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. The plugin repository can be found here:


ienginenum -- engine number assigned from fluidEngine

ichannelnum -- which channel number to use for the preset in the given fluidEngine

isfnum -- number of the SoundFont from which the preset is assigned

ibanknum -- number of the bank in the SoundFont from which the preset is assigned

ipresetnum -- number of the preset to assign


Here is an example of the fluidProgramSelect opcode. It uses the file fluidProgramSelect.csd.

Example of the fluidProgramSelect opcode.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac   -+rtmidi=virtual  -M0    ;;;realtime audio out and realtime midi in
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
;-o fluidProgramSelect.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

giengine fluidEngine
; soundfont path to manual/examples
isfnum   fluidLoad "19Trumpet.sf2", giengine, 1
         fluidProgramSelect giengine, 1, isfnum, 0, 56

instr 1

        mididefault   60, p3
        midinoteonkey p4, p5
ikey    init p4
ivel    init p5
        fluidNote giengine, 1, ikey, ivel


instr 99

imvol  init 7
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine
       outs asigl*imvol, asigr*imvol


i 1 0 2 60 100 ;play one note from score and...
i 99 0 60      ;play virtual keyboard for 60 sec.


Here is another more complex example of the fluidsynth opcodes written by Istvan Varga. It uses the file fluidcomplex.csd.

Another more complex example of the fluidsynth opcodes.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
;Anna.mid is a midi file, a song by The Beatles and can be found on the internet
-odac -T -F  Anna.mid;;;realtime audio I/O and midifile in
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o fluidcomplex.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

; Example by Istvan Varga

; disable triggering of instruments by MIDI events

ichn = 1
        massign   ichn, 0
        loop_le   ichn, 1, 16, lp1
        pgmassign 0, 0

; initialize FluidSynth

gifld   fluidEngine
gisf2   fluidLoad "sf_GMbank.sf2", gifld, 1

; k-rate version of fluidProgramSelect

opcode fluidProgramSelect_k, 0, kkkkk
  keng, kchn, ksf2, kbnk, kpre xin
        igoto     skipInit
        fluidProgramSelect i(keng), i(kchn), i(ksf2), i(kbnk), i(kpre)
        reinit    doInit

instr 1
  ; initialize channels
  kchn  init 1
  if (kchn == 1) then
        fluidControl gifld, 192, kchn - 1, 0, 0
        fluidControl gifld, 176, kchn - 1, 7, 100
        fluidControl gifld, 176, kchn - 1, 10, 64
        loop_le   kchn, 1, 16, lp2

  ; send any MIDI events received to FluidSynth
  kst, kch, kd1, kd2 midiin
  if (kst != 0) then
    if (kst != 192) then
        fluidControl gifld, kst, kch - 1, kd1, kd2
        fluidProgramSelect_k gifld, kch - 1, gisf2, 0, kd1
      kgoto nxt

; get audio output from FluidSynth
  ivol   init 3 ;a bit louder
  aL, aR fluidOut gifld
         outs     aL*ivol, aR*ivol


i 1 0 3600


See also


More information on soundfonts is in the Floss Manuals:

For other information on soundfonts look in the Wikipedia:


Michael Gogins (gogins at pipeline dot com), Steven Yi. Thanks to Peter Hanappe for Fluidsynth.