Uses FM synthesis to create a tublar bell sound.
It comes from a family of FM sounds, all using 4 basic oscillators and various architectures, as used in the TX81Z synthesizer.
All these opcodes take 5 tables for initialization. The first 4 are the basic inputs and the last is the low frequency oscillator (LFO) used for vibrato. These all default to a siewave table.
The initial waves should be:
- ifn1 -- sine wave
- ifn2 -- sine wave
- ifn3 -- sine wave
- ifn4 -- sine wave
The optional argument isus controls how long the sound lasts, or how quickly it decays. It defaults to 4.
kamp -- Amplitude of note.
kfreq -- Frequency of note played.
kc1, kc2 -- Controls for the synthesizer:
- kc1 -- Mod index 1
- kc2 -- Crossfade of two outputs
- Algorithm -- 5
kvdepth -- Vibrator depth
kvrate -- Vibrator rate
Here is an example of the fmbell opcode. It uses the file fmbell.csd.
See Also
More information about frequency modulation on Wikipedia:
Author: John ffitch (after Perry Cook)
University of Bath, Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
New in Csound version 3.47
Optional argument new in 5.16
More optional argument new in 6.0