Outputs i-rate signals of an arbitrary number of channels to a specified file.
ihandle -- a number which specifies this file.
iformat -- a flag to choose output file format:
- 0 - floating point in text format
- 1 - 32-bit floating point in binary format
iflag -- choose the mode of writing to the ASCII file (valid only in ASCII mode; in binary mode iflag has no meaning, but it must be present anyway). iflag can be a value chosen among the following:
- 0 - line of text without instrument prefix
- 1 - line of text with instrument prefix (see below)
- 2 - reset the time of instrument prefixes to zero (to be used only in some particular cases. See below)
iout,..., ioutN -- values to be written to the file
fouti and foutir write i-rate values to a file. The main use of these opcodes is to generate a score file during a realtime session. For this purpose, the user should set iformat to 0 (text file output) and iflag to 1, which enable the output of a prefix consisting of the strings inum, actiontime, and duration, before the values of iout1...ioutN arguments. The arguments in the prefix refer to instrument number, action time and duration of current note.
Notice that fout and foutk can use either a string containing a file pathname, or a handle-number generated by fiopen. Whereas, with fouti and foutir, the target file can be only specified by means of a handle-number.
Here is an example of the fouti opcode. It uses the file fouti.csd.
See also
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
New in Csound version 3.56