Write a previously-allocated table to an audio file in a variety of formats.
ians ftaudio ifn, "filename", iformat[, ibeg, iend]
kans ftaudio ktrig, kfn, "filename", kformat [, isync, kbeg, kend]
ifn, kfn -- Number of table to write.
"filename" -- A quoted string containing the name of the file to save.
iformat, kformat -- Format of the file to save.
- -1 - format exactly as per global csound output format flags (-A, -W, --format=..., etc).
- 0 - 32-bit floating point samples without header (binary PCM multichannel file)
- 1 - 16-bit integers without header (binary PCM multichannel file)
- 2 - 16-bit integers with a header. The header type depends on the render (-o) format. For example, if the user chooses the AIFF format (using the -A flag), the header format will be AIFF type.
- 3 - u-law samples with a header (see iformat=2).
- 4 - 16-bit integers with a header (see iformat=2).
- 5 - 32-bit integers with a header (see iformat=2).
- 6 - 32-bit floats with a header (see iformat=2).
- 7 - 8-bit unsigned integers with a header (see iformat=2).
- 8 - 24-bit integers with a header (see iformat=2).
- 9 - 64-bit floats with a header (see iformat=2).
- 50 - ogg-vorbis format.
In addition Csound allows for explicitly selecting a particular header type by specifying the format as 10 * fileType + sampleFormat, where fileType may be 1 for WAV, 2 for AIFF, 3 for raw (headerless) files, and 4 for IRCAM; sampleFormat is one of the above values in the range 0 to 9, except sample format 0 is taken from the command line (-o), format 1 is 8-bit signed integers, and format 2 is a-law. So, for example, iformat=25 means 32-bit integers with AIFF header.
isync -- if zero the k-rate version waits for the write to finish. If non-zero (default) the writing of data is delegated to a separate thread which then allows Csound to continue with the rendering.
ibeg,iend,kbeg,kend -- gives limits to start and end of section of the table to write, in samples. Default values of zero means from start to end.
ians, kans -- returns zero if the operation fails or 1 on success. In the asynchronous mode this is updated when the writing finishes, until when it has the value -1
ktrig -- the k-rate version only happens on a k-cycle when ktrig is non-zero.
Here is an example of the ftaudio opcode. It uses the file ftaudio.csd.
See also
Author: John ffitch
Example written by John ffitch.
New in version 6.12
Limit to range bnew in 6.13