Reads a directory for sound files and loads them to a series of GEN01 function tables.
Plugin opcode in ftsamplebank.
iNumberOfFile ftsamplebank SDirectory, iFirstTableNumber, iSkipTime, iFormat, \
kNumberOfFile ftsamplebank SDirectory, kFirstTableNumber, kTrigger, kSkipTime, \
kFormat, kChannel,
SDirectory -- a string that identifies the directory to browse for files
FirstTableNumber -- this sets the number of the first table into which a soundfile will be loaded
Trigger -- updates the tables when kTrigger is 1, only applicable to k-rate version.
SkipTime -- begin reading at skiptime seconds into the file.
Format -- specifies the audio data-file format:
1 - 8-bit signed character 4 - 16-bit short integers
2 - 8-bit A-law bytes 5 - 32-bit long integers
3 - 8-bit U-law bytes 6 - 32-bit floats
Channel -- channel number to read in. 0 denotes read all channels.
If format = 0 the sample format is taken from the soundfile header, or by default from the CSound -o command-line flag.
iNumberOfFile -- the number of tables that have been created
kNumberOfFile -- the number of tables that have been created
Loading a lot of sound files into function tables at k-rate may cause some audio dropouts.
This example shows ftsamplebank browsing for samples in a fixed location. It loads all samples it finds into GEN01 function tables and then playsa them back in a sequence, one every second. It uses the file ftsamplebank.csd.
See also
Author: Rory Walsh