Copy a slice from an f-table to another f-table at performance
Plugin opcode in emugens.
The ftslice opcode takes an f-table and copies a slice to a second f-table (similar to tab2array, but between tables). This action is done at performance (every cycle), so that it can be placed inside a k-time if clause / loop / etc. For an init-only version, see ftslicei
ftslice ifnsource, ifndest [, kstart, kend, kstep ]
ftslice kfnsource, kfndest [, kstart, kend, kstep ]
ifnsource -- The table number to copy data from
ifndest -- The table number to copy data to
kstart -- The index to start copying from. Defaults to 0
kend -- The end index to stop copying. This is NOT inclusive. 0 means copy to the end of the table. Defaults to end of table
kstep -- How many elements to skip. Defaults to 1
Here is an example of the ftslice opcode. It uses the file ftslice.csd.
See also
By: Eduardo Moguillansky 2018
New plugin in version 6.12