Copy a slice from an f-table to another f-table at init
Plugin opcode in emugens.
The ftslicei opcode takes an f-table and copies a slice to a second f-table (similar to tab2array, but between tables). This action is done at init time. For a performance-time version, see ftslice
ftslicei ifnsource, ifndest [, istart, iend, istep ]
ifnsource -- The table number to copy data from
ifndest -- The table number to copy data to
istart -- The index to start copying from. Defaults to 0
iend -- The end index to stop copying. This is NOT inclusive. 0 means copy to the end of the table. Defaults to end of table
istep -- How many elements to skip. Defaults to 1
For an example, refer to the ftslice opcode: ftslice.csd.
Example of the ftslice opcode. |
| <CsoundSynthesizer>
; Example file ftslice
Copy slice from source table to destination table
ftslice ifnsource, ifndest, kstart=0, kend=0, kstep=1
ifnsource: source table
ifndest: destination table
kstart: the index to start copying from
kend: the end index to stop copying. This is NOT inclusive. 0=end of table
kstep: how many elements to skip
See also: tablecopy, tableicopy, tab2array
instr 1
ifn ftgentmp 0, 0, -13, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
idest ftgentmp 0, 0, -11, -2, 0 ; empty table of size 11
; copy only even elements
ftslice ifn, idest, 0, 0, 2
ftprint idest
; copy too many elements - only the elements which fit in the dest table
; are copyed
ftslice ifn, idest
ftprint idest
i 1 0 0.1
See also
Read/Write Operations
By: Eduardo Moguillansky 2018
New plugin in version 6.12