Generates a segmented line with user-controllable random segments.
iopt -- Optional, controls time of onset of effects. If zero (default) the output is zero until the end of the shortest kcps value. If not zero the effect starts immediately
ktotamp -- Resulting amplitude of jitter2
kamp1 -- Amplitude of the first jitter component
kcps1 -- Speed of random variation of the first jitter component (expressed in cps)
kamp2 -- Amplitude of the second jitter component
kcps2 -- Speed of random variation of the second jitter component (expressed in cps)
kamp3 -- Amplitude of the third jitter component
kcps3 -- Speed of random variation of the third jitter component (expressed in cps)
jitter2 also generates a segmented line such as jitter, but in this case the result is similar to the sum of three randi opcodes, each one with a different amplitude and frequency value (see randi for more details), that can be varied at k-rate. Different effects can be obtained by varying the input arguments.
jitter2 can be used to make more natural and “analog-sounding” some static, dull sound. For best results, it is suggested to keep its amplitude moderate.
Here is an example of the jitter2 opcode. It uses the file jitter2.csd.
See also
Author: Gabriel Maldonado, John ffitch
New in Version 4.15
iopt new in version 6.08