Exponential Lag
Plugin opcode in scugens.
Exponential lag with 60dB lag time. Port of Supercollider's Lag. This is essentially a one pole filter except that instead of supplying the coefficient directly, it is calculated from a 60 dB lag time. This is the time required for the filter to converge to within 0.01% of a value. This is useful for smoothing out control signals.
initialvalue If given, sets the internal state. It defaults to the first value passed
ain -- input signal
klagtime -- 60 dB lag time in seconds.
kladown -- 60 dB lag time in seconds for the downgoing signal.
Here is an example of the lag opcode. It uses the file lag.csd.
See also
Standard Filters: Control signal filters
By: Eduardo Moguillansky 2017