Generate glissandos starting from a control signal.
kres -- Output signal.
ksig -- Input signal.
ktime -- Time length of glissando in seconds.
lineto adds glissando (i.e. straight lines) to a stepped input signal (for example, produced by randh or lpshold). It generates a straight line starting from previous step value, reaching the new step value in ktime seconds. When the new step value is reached, such value is held until a new step occurs. Be sure that ktime argument value is smaller than the time elapsed between two consecutive steps of the original signal, otherwise discontinuities will occur in output signal.
When used together with the output of lpshold it emulates the glissando effect of old analog sequencers.
No new value for ksig or ktime will have effect until the previous ktime has elapsed.
Here is an example of the lineto opcode. It uses the file lineto.csd.
See also
Standard Filters: Control signal filters
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
New in Version 4.13