A resonant second-order lowpass filter.
iskip -- initial disposition of internal data space. A zero value will clear the space; a non-zero value will allow previous information to remain. The default value is 0.
asig -- input signal to be filtered
kcf -- cutoff or resonant frequency of the filter, measured in Hz
kq -- Q of the filter, defined, for bandpass filters, as bandwidth/cutoff. kq should be between 1 and 500
lowpass2 is a second order IIR lowpass filter, with k-rate controls for cutoff frequency (kcf) and Q (kq). As kq is increased, a resonant peak forms around the cutoff frequency, transforming the lowpass filter response into a response that is similar to a bandpass filter, but with more low frequency energy. This corresponds to an increase in the magnitude and "sharpness" of the resonant peak. For high values of kq, a scaling function such as balance may be required. In practice, this allows for the simulation of the voltage-controlled filters of analog synthesizers, or for the creation of a pitch of constant amplitude while filtering white noise.
Here is an example of the lowpass2 opcode. It uses the file lowpass2.csd.
See also
Standard Filters: Resonant Low-pass filters
Author: Sean Costello
Seattle, Washington
August 1999
New in Csound version 4.0