Control signals based on held segments.
The segments are delimited by two or more specified points. The entire envelope can be looped at time-variant rate. Each segment coordinate can also be varied at k-rate.
ksig - output signal
kphase -- point of the sequence read, expressed as a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1)
kvalue0...kvalueN -- Values of points
ktime0...ktimeN -- Times between points; expressed in fractions of a cycle (see below). The final time designates a ramp between the final value and the first value.
lpsholdp opcode is similar to lpshold; the only difference is that, instead of frequency, a time-variant phase is required. If you use a phasor to get the phase value, you will have a behaviour identical to lpshold, but interesting results can be achieved when using phases having non-linear motions, making lpsholdp more powerful and general than lpshold.
Here is an example of the lpsholdp opcode. It uses the file lpsholdp.csd.
See also
Linear and Exponential Generators
Written by Gabriel Maldonado.
New in Csound 5 (Previously available only on CsoundAV)