Momentary, Integrated and Short-Term Loudness meter in LUFS
The opcodes performs an analysis of input audio according to ITU-R BS.1770-4 recommendation.
kreset -- reset input. It resets the value of the integrated loudness if kreset is not 0.
ain1, ain2 -- input audio signal(s). Only mono and stereo are supported (see below)
kmom -- momentary loudness in LUFS
kint -- integrated loudness in LUFS
kshort -- short-term loudness in LUFS
The Momentary Loudness is calculated over 400 ms period and Short-Term Loudness is for 3 s period. Integrated Loudness is obtained by averaging the whole programm. The calculation algorithm is based on formulae from Matlab integratedLoudness code.
ITU-R BS.1770-4 gives K-weigthing filters coefficients only for 48000 Hz, thus other sampling frequencies coefficients are calculated according to Brecht De Man code Only mono and stereo formats are supported due to rare usage of 5.1 format in the field of computer music. ITU-R BS.1770-4 standardizes only 1, 2 and 5.1 channels.
ksmps should not be set to values higher than sr/10, i.e. 4410 @ sr = 44100 and higher.
Here is an example of the lufs opcode. It uses the file lufs.csd.
See also
Sensing and Control: Envelope followers
By: Gleb Rogozinsky, Summer 2020
New in version 6.15