A median filter, a variant FIR lowpass filter.
imaxsize -- the maximun size of the window used to select the data.
iskip -- initial disposition of internal data space. A zero value will clear the space; a non-zero value will allow previous information to remain. The default value is 0.
asig -- input signal to be filtered
ksize -- size of the window over which the input is to be filtered. It must not exceed the maximum window size; if it does it is truncated.
median is a simple filter that retuns the median value of the last ksize values. It has a lowpass action. The efficiency decreases as the window size increases.
Here is an example of the median opcode. It uses the file median.csd.
Example of the median opcode. | |
See also
Standard filters: Variant FIR lowpass filter
Author: John ffitch
University of Bath
May 2010
New in Csound version 5.13