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Returns a generic MIDI message received by the MIDI IN port.


kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2 midiin


kstatus -- the type of MIDI message. Can be:

  • 128 (note off)
  • 144 (note on)
  • 160 (polyphonic aftertouch)
  • 176 (control change)
  • 192 (program change)
  • 208 (channel aftertouch)
  • 224 (pitch bend)
  • 0 if no MIDI message are pending in the MIDI IN buffer

kchan -- MIDI channel (1-16)

kdata1, kdata2 -- message-dependent data values

midiin has no input arguments, because it reads at the MIDI in port implicitly. It works at k-rate. Normally (i.e., when no messages are pending) kstatus is zero, only when MIDI data are present in the MIDI IN buffer, is kstatus set to the type of the relevant messages.

📝 Note

Be careful when using midiin in low numbered instruments, since a MIDI note will launch additional instances of the instrument, resulting in duplicate events and weird behaviour. Use massign to direct MIDI note on messages to a different instrument or to disable triggering of instruments from MIDI.


Here is an example of the midiin opcode. It uses the file midiin.csd.

Example of the midiin opcode.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in    No messages
-odac           -iadc     -d         -M0  -+rtmidi=virtual ;;;RT audio I/O with MIDI in
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o midiin.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform


sr        =  44100
ksmps     =  10
nchnls    =  1

; Example by schwaahed 2006

      massign         0, 130  ; make sure that all channels
      pgmassign       0, 130  ; and programs are assigned to test instr

  instr   130

knotelength    init    0
knoteontime    init    0

kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2                  midiin

if (kstatus == 128) then
knoteofftime    times
knotelength    =    knoteofftime - knoteontime
printks "kstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\tnote#  = %d, velocity = %d \\tNote OFF\\t%f %f\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1,kdata2, knoteofftime, knotelength

elseif (kstatus == 144) then
knoteontime    times
printks "kstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\tnote#  = %d, velocity = %d \\tNote ON\\t%f\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2, knoteontime

elseif (kstatus == 160) then
printks "kstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\tkdata1 = %d, kdata2 = %d \\tPolyphonic Aftertouch\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2

elseif (kstatus == 176) then
printks "kstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\t CC = %d, value = %d \\tControl Change\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2

elseif (kstatus == 192) then
printks "kstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\tkdata1 = %d, kdata2 = %d \\tProgram Change\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2

elseif (kstatus == 208) then
printks  "kstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\tkdata1 = %d, kdata2 = %d \\tChannel Aftertouch\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2

elseif (kstatus == 224) then
printks "kstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\t ( data1 , kdata2 ) = ( %d, %d )\\tPitch Bend\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2




i130 0 3600


See also

MIDI input and Initialization

Generic Input and Output


Author: Gabriel Maldonado

New in Csound version 3.492