Sends a stream of the MIDI notes.
kchn -- MIDI channel number (1-16)
knum -- note number (0-127)
kvel -- velocity (0-127)
kdur -- note duration in seconds
kpause -- pause duration after each noteoff and before new note in seconds
moscil and midion are the most powerful MIDI OUT opcodes. moscil (MIDI oscil) plays a stream of notes of kdur duration. Channel, pitch, velocity, duration and pause can be controlled at k-rate, allowing very complex algorithmically generated melodic lines. When current instrument is deactivated, the note played by current instance of moscil is forcedly truncated.
Any number of moscil opcodes can appear in the same Csound instrument, allowing a counterpoint-style polyphony within a single instrument.
Here is an example of the moscil opcode. It uses the file moscil.csd.
This example generates a stream of notes for every note received on the MIDI input. It generates MIDI notes on csound's MIDI output, so be sure to connect something.
See also
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
May 1997
New in Csound version 3.47
Thanks goes to Rasmus Ekman for pointing out the correct MIDI channel and controller number ranges.