Reads mono or stereo audio data from an external MP3 file.
ar1, ar2 mp3in ifilcod[, iskptim, iformat, iskipinit, ibufsize]
ar1 mp3in ifilcod[, iskptim, iformat, iskipinit, ibufsize]
ifilcod -- integer or character-string denoting the source soundfile name. An integer denotes the file soundin.filcod ; a character-string (in double quotes, spaces permitted) gives the filename itself, optionally a full pathname. If not a full path, the named file is sought first in the current directory, then in that given by the environment variable SSDIR (if defined) then by SFDIR.
iskptim (optional) -- time in seconds of input sound to be skipped. The default value is 0.
iformat (optional) -- specifies the audio data file format: currently not implemented and always defaults to stereo.
iskipinit (optional) -- switches off all initialisation if non zero (default =0).
ibuffersize (optional) -- sets the internal buffer size for reading. If the value is omitted, zero or negative it defaults to 4096 bytes.
Reads audio data from an external MP3 file.
Here is an example of the mp3in opcode. It uses the file mp3in.csd.
See also
Author: John ffitch
Codemist Ltd
New in version 5.11
Mono added in 6.05