A linearly interpolated oscillator with sync status that allows changing the table number at k-rate.
oscilikts is the same as oscilikt. Except it has a sync input that can be used to re-initialize the oscillator to a k-rate phase value. It is slower than oscilikt and osciliktp.
istor (optional, defaults to 0) -- skip initialization.
xamp -- amplitude.
xcps -- frequency in Hz. Zero and negative values are allowed. However, the absolute value must be less than sr (and recommended to be less than sr/2).
kfn -- function table number. Can be varied at control rate (useful to morph
waveforms, or select from a set of band-limited tables generated by GEN30).
async -- any positive value resets the phase of oscilikts to kphs. Zero or negative values have no effect.
kphs -- sets the phase, initially and when it is re-initialized with async.
Here is an example of the oscilikts opcode. It uses the file oscilikts.csd.
See also
Author: Istvan Varga
New in version 4.22