Sends MIDI aftertouch messages at i-rate.
ichn -- MIDI channel number (1-16)
ivalue -- floating point value
imin -- minimum floating point value (converted in MIDI integer value 0)
imax -- maximum floating point value (converted in MIDI integer value 127 (7 bit))
outiat (i-rate aftertouch output) sends aftertouch messages. It works only with MIDI instruments which recognize them. It can drive a different value of a parameter for each note currently active.
It can scale an i-value floating-point argument according to the imin and imax values. For example, set imin = 1.0 and imax = 2.0. When the ivalue argument receives a 2.0 value, the opcode will send a 127 value to the MIDI OUT device. When the ivalue argument receives a 1.0 value, it will send a 0 value. i-rate opcodes send their message once during instrument initialization.
Here is an example of the outiat opcode. It uses the file outiat.csd.
See also
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
New in Csound version 3.47
Thanks goes to Rasmus Ekman for pointing out the correct MIDI channel and controller number ranges.