Sends 14-bit MIDI controller output at i-rate.
ichn -- MIDI channel number (1-16)
imsb -- most significant byte controller number when using 14-bit parameters (0-127)
ilsb -- least significant byte controller number when using 14-bit parameters (0-127)
ivalue -- floating point value
imin -- minimum floating point value (converted in MIDI integer value 0)
imax -- maximum floating point value (converted in MIDI integer value 16383 (14-bit))
outic14 (i-rate MIDI 14-bit controller output) sends a pair of controller messages. This opcode can drive 14-bit parameters on MIDI instruments that recognize them. The first control message contains the most significant byte of ivalue argument while the second message contains the less significant byte. imsb and ilsb are the number of the most and less significant controller.
This opcode can drive a different value of a parameter for each note currently active.
It can scale an i-value floating-point argument according to the imin and imax values. For example, set imin = 1.0 and imax = 2.0. When the ivalue argument receives a 2.0 value, the opcode will send a 127 value to the MIDI OUT device. When the ivalue argument receives a 1.0 value, it will send a 0 value. i-rate opcodes send their message once during instrument initialization.
See also
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
New in Csound version 3.47
Thanks goes to Rasmus Ekman for pointing out the correct MIDI channel and controller number ranges.