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Sends MIDI program change messages at k-rate.


outkpc kchn, kprog, kmin, kmax


kchn -- MIDI channel number (1-16)

kprog -- program change number in floating point

kmin -- minimum floating point value (converted in MIDI integer value 0)

kmax -- maximum floating point value (converted in MIDI integer value 127 (7 bit))

outkpc (k-rate program change output) sends program change messages. It works only with MIDI instruments which recognize them. These opcodes can drive a different value of a parameter for each note currently active.

It can scale the k-value floating-point argument according to the kmin and kmax values. For example: set kmin = 1.0 and kmax = 2.0. When the kvalue argument receives a 2.0 value, the opcode will send a 127 value to the MIDI OUT device. When the kvalue argument receives a 1.0 value, it will send a 0 value. k-rate opcodes send a message each time the MIDI converted value of argument kvalue changes.


Here is an example of the outkpc opcode. It uses the file outkpc.csd.

Example of the outkpc opcode.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in    No messages
-odac           -iadc     -d         -M0  -Q1 ;;;RT audio I/O with MIDI in

sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2

; Example by Giorgio Zucco 2007

kprogram init 0

instr 1 ;Triggered by MIDI notes on channel 1

  ifund   notnum
  ivel  veloc
  idur = 1

; Sends a MIDI program change message according to
; the triggering note's velocity
outkpc     1 ,ivel ,0 ,127

noteondur  1 ,ifund ,ivel ,idur


; Dummy ftable
f 0 60

Here is another example of the outkpc opcode. It uses the file outkpc_flkt.csd.

Example of the outkpc opcode using FLTK.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in    No messages
-odac           -iadc     -d         -M0  -Q1;;;RT audio I/O with MIDI in

sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2

; Example by Giorgio Zucco 2007

FLpanel "outkpc",200,100,90,90;start of container
gkpg, gihandle FLcount "Midi-Program change",0,127,1,5,1,152,40,16,23,-1


instr 1

ktrig changed gkpg
outkpc     ktrig,gkpg,0,127


; Run instrument 1 for 60 seconds
i 1 0  60

See also

MIDI Message Output


Author: Gabriel Maldonado

New in Csound version 3.47

Thanks goes to Rasmus Ekman for pointing out the correct MIDI channel and controller number ranges.