Outputs audio to a range of adjacent audio channels on the audio output device.
kstart - the number of the first channel of the output device to be accessed (channel numbers starts with 1, which is the first channel)
aout1, aout2, ... aoutN - the arguments containing the audio to be output to the corresponding output channels.
outrg allows to output a range of adjacent channels to the output device. kstart indicates the first channel to be accessed (channel 1 is the first channel). The user must be sure that the number obtained by summing kstart plus the number of accessed channels -1 is <= nchnls.
Here is an example of the outrg opcode. It uses the file outrg.csd.
Its output should include lines like these:
speaker 1 position 0.000200
speaker 1 position 0.000400
speaker 1 position 0.000600
speaker 1 position 1.000000
speaker 2 position 0.000000
speaker 2 position 0.000200
speaker 2 position 0.999800
speaker 3 position 0.000000
speaker 3 position 0.000200
speaker 3 position 0.999600
speaker 4 position 0.000000
See also
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
New in version 5.06