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Sends an i-rate or k-rate signal or string to a user-defined channel.


outvalue "channel name", ivalue
outvalue "channel name", kvalue
outvalue "channel name", "string"


"channel name" -- An integer or string (in double-quotes) representing channel.

ivalue, kvalue -- The value that is sent to the channel.

string -- The string or string variable that is sent to the channel.


Here is an example of the outvalue opcode. It uses the file outvalue.csd.

Example of the outvalue opcode.
;run this example in CsoundQt, a Csound editor that provides widgets
;make the Widgets-panel visible, by clicking the Widgets symbol in the menu or pressing (Alt+1).

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1
; written by Alex Hofmann

instr 1 ;move fader

kMoveUp  linseg 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0
outvalue "movefader", kMoveUp

i 1 0 5

See also

Signal Output


Author: Matt Ingalls

i-rate version new in Csound 6.04