Assigns a range of p-fields to ivariables, or i- or k-array.
The optional argument istart gives the index of the first p-field to assign. The default value is 1, corresponding to the instrument number.
The optional argument iend gives the index of the last p-field to assign. The default value is 0, which means all.
One of the variables can be a string variable, in which case it is assigned the only string parameter, if there is one, or an error otherwise.
passign transfers the instrument p-fields to instrument variables, starting with the one identified by the istart argument. There should not be more variables than p-fields, but there may be fewer.
passign can transfer the instrument p-fields to a one dimensional array, either an iarray or a karray.
Here is an example of the passign opcode. It uses the file passign.csd.
See also
Initialization and Reinitialization
Author: John ffitch
University of Bath, Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
December 2009
New in version 5.12; end point and array version after 5.12