Read a line of text from an external file once each k-cycle.
Plugin opcode in cs_date.
ifilname -- an integer N denoting a file named "input.N" or a character string (in double quotes, spaces permitted) denoting the external file name. For a string, it may either be a full path name with directory specified or a simple filename. In the later case, the file is sought first in the current directory, then in SSDIR, and finally in SFDIR.
Sres -- output of the line read from ifilname.
kline -- line number, or -1 when end of file has been reached.
This opcode allows a line of text to be read from a named external file. There may be any number of readf opcodes in an instrument or orchestra but they read separately from the same or different files.
Here is an example of the readf opcode. It uses the file readf.csd.
See also
John ffitch and Joachim Heintz
2012; new in 5.17.12