Generate random spline curves.
ares rspline xrangeMin, xrangeMax, kcpsMin, kcpsMax
kres rspline krangeMin, krangeMax, kcpsMin, kcpsMax
kres, ares -- Output signal
xrangeMin, xrangeMax -- Range of values of random-generated points
kcpsMin, kcpsMax -- Range of point-generation rate. Min and max limits are expressed in cps.
rspline (random-spline-curve generator) is similar to jspline but output range is defined by means of two limit values. Also in this case, real output range could be a bit greater of range values, because of interpolating curves beetween each pair of random-points.
At present time generated curves are quite smooth when cpsMin is not too different from cpsMax. When cpsMin-cpsMax interval is big, some little discontinuity could occurr, but it should not be a problem, in most cases. Maybe the algorithm will be improved in next versions.
These opcodes are often better than jitter when user wants to “naturalize” or “analogize” digital sounds. They could be used also in algorithmic composition, to generate smooth random melodic lines when used together with samphold opcode.
Note that the result is quite different from the one obtained by filtering white noise, and they allow the user to obtain a much more precise control.
Here is an example of the rspline opcode. It uses the file rspline.csd.
See also
Linear and Exponential Generators
Author: Gabriel Maldonado
New in version 4.15