Semi-physical model of a sandpaper sound.
It is one of the PhISEM percussion opcodes. PhISEM (Physically Informed Stochastic Event Modeling) is an algorithmic approach for simulating collisions of multiple independent sound producing objects.
iamp -- Amplitude of output. Note: As these instruments are stochastic, this is only a approximation.
idettack -- period of time over which all sound is stopped
inum (optional) -- The number of beads, teeth, bells, timbrels, etc. If zero, the default value is 128.
idamp (optional) -- the damping factor, as part of this equation:
The default damping_amount is 0.999 which means that the default value of idamp is 0.5. The maximum damping_amount is 1.0 (no damping). This means the maximum value for idamp is 1.0.
The recommended range for idamp is usually below 75% of the maximum value.
imaxshake (optional) -- amount of energy to add back into the system. The value should be in range 0 to 1.
Here is an example of the sandpaper opcode. It uses the file sandpaper.csd.
See Also
Author: Perry Cook, part of the PhOLIES (Physically-Oriented Library of Imitated Environmental Sounds)
Adapted by John ffitch
University of Bath, Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
New in Csound version 4.07
Added notes by Rasmus Ekman on May 2002.