Adds a new score event.
schedule insnum, iwhen, idur [, ip4] [, ip5] [...]
schedule "insname", iwhen, idur [, ip4] [, ip5] [...]
schedule iPar[]
insnum -- instrument number. Equivalent to p1 in a score i statement. insnum must be a number greater than the number of the calling instrument.
“insname” -- A string (in double-quotes) representing a named instrument.
iwhen -- start time of the new event. Equivalent to p2 in a score i statement. iwhen must be nonnegative. If iwhen is zero, insum must be greater than or equal to the p1 of the current instrument.
idur -- duration of event. Equivalent to p3 in a score i statement.
iPar[] -- event parameters as an i-time array.
ip4, ip5, ... -- Equivalent to p4, p5, etc., in a score i statement. The opcode also accepts strings as arguments for p4-pN.
schedule adds a new score event. The arguments, including options, are the same as in a score. The iwhen time (p2) is measured from the time of this event.
If the duration is zero or negative the new event is of MIDI type, and inherits the release sub-event from the scheduling instruction.
Here is an example of the schedule opcode. It uses the file schedule.csd.
See also
More information on this opcode: , written by Jim Aikin
Author: John ffitch
University of Bath/Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
November 1998
Example written by Kevin Conder.
New in Csound version 3.491
Based on work by Gabriel Maldonado
Thanks goes to David Gladstein, for clarifying the iwhen parameter.