Returns the ASCII code of a key that has been pressed, or -1 if no key has been pressed.
kres - returns the ASCII value of a key which is pressed or released.
kkeydown - returns 1 if the key was pressed, 0 if it was released or if there is no key event.
kres can be used to read keyboard events from stdin and returns the ASCII value of any key that is pressed or released, or it returns -1 when there is no keyboard activity. The value of kkeydown is 1 when a key was pressed, or 0 otherwise. This behavior is emulated by default, so a key release is generated immediately after every key press. To have full functionality, FLTK can be used to capture keyboard events. FLpanel can be used to capture keyboard events and send them to the sensekey opcode, by adding an additional optional argument. See FLpanel for more information.
This opcode can also be written as sense.
Here is an example of the sensekey opcode. It uses the file sensekey.csd.
See also
Sensing and Control: Keyboard and mouse sensing
Author: John ffitch
University of Bath, Codemist. Ltd.
Bath, UK
October 2000
New in Csound version 4.09. Renamed in Csound version 4.10.