Deprecated. Writes audio output to a disk file.
The usage of soundouts is discouraged. Please use fout instead.
ifilcod -- integer or character-string denoting the destination soundfile name. An integer denotes the file soundout.ifilcod; a character-string (in double quotes, spaces permitted) gives the filename itself, optionally a full pathname. If not a full path, the named file is written relative to the directory given by the SFDIR environment variable if defined, or the current directory. See also GEN01.
iformat (optional, default=0) -- specifies the audio data file format:
- 1 = 8-bit signed char (high-order 8 bits of a 16-bit integer)
- 4 = 16-bit short integers
- 5 = 32-bit long integers
- 6 = 32-bit floats
If iformat = 0 it is taken from the Csound -o command-line flag. The default value is 0.
soundouts writes stereo audio output to a disk file in raw (headerless) format without 0dBFS scaling. The expected range of the audio signals depends on the selected sample format.
Use of fout is recommended instead of soundouts
See also
Author: Istvan Varga