Stereo to Mid-Side Conversion.
It is a pure function with no side effects.
am -- mid signal output.
as -- side signal output.
aleft -- left channel input.
aright -- right channel input.
Here is an example of the st2ms opcode. It uses the files st2ms.csd and stereoJungle.wav.
Example of the st2ms opcode. |
| <CsoundSynthesizer>
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc ;;;uncomment -iadc if RT audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o st2ms.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
; by Menno Knevel - 2021
; sample = ambient sound of waterfall + animals (monkey)
instr 1
al, ar diskin2 "stereoJungle.wav", 1 ; stereo sample
am, as st2ms al,ar
fout "MSJungleEncoded.wav", -1, am *.6, as *.6 ; write MS encoded audio file to disk
outs am *.6, as *.6 ; & reduce volume a bit
instr 2
al, ar diskin2 "MSJungleEncoded.wav", 1 ; get back in the MS encoded sample
am, as ms2st al,ar, p4
outs am, as
i1 0 6.7 ; encode signal, write to disk
i2 10 6.7 .5 ; read encoded file from disk and decode 1:1
i2 17 6.7 .7 ; decode but with more width
See also
Panning and Spatialization: Amplitude spatialization
Author: Victor Lazzarini
April 2021