A time-varying convolution (FIR filter) opcode.
An opcode that takes two incoming signals and interprets one of them as the coefficients of linear time-variable finite impulse response filter. This is implemented via direct convolution (for partition sizes of 1 sample) or DFT-based partitioned convolution. The signals can be 'frozen' (i.e. the filter coefficients are kept the same) at any point in time, at a-rate or k-rate.
iparts -- partition size, for sizes > 1, a DFT-based partitioned convolution process is used. Otherwise a time-domain delay line FIR is implemented. Partition sizes > 1 are rounded to the nearest power-of-two.
ifils -- filter size. For partition sizes > 1, filter sizes are rounded to the nearest power-of-two. With partition size = 1, since direct convolution is used, filters can be of any size.
ares -- audio output.
asig1, asig2 -- audio inputs.
xfreez1 -- freeze switch for asig1. Coefficients are only updated (ie. the signal is passing into the convolution) if xfreez1 > 0. This input can take an audio or a k-rate signal, or a constant.
xfreez2 -- freeze switch for asig2, similar to xfreez1 in operation.
Here is an example of the tvconv opcode. It uses the file tvconv.csd.
See also
Author: Victor Lazzarini
New in version 6.09