A physical model of a bowed bar.
It belongs to the Perry Cook family of waveguide instruments.
iconst (optional, default=0) -- an integration constant. Default is zero.
itvel (optional, default=0) -- either 0 or 1. When itvel = 0, the bow velocity follows an ADSR style trajectory. When itvel = 1, the value of the bow velocity decays in an exponentially.
ibowpos (optional, default=0) -- the position on the bow, which affects the bow velocity trajectory.
ilow (optional, default=0) -- lowest frequency required
kamp -- amplitude of signal
kfreq -- frequency of signal
kpos -- position of the bow on the bar, in the range 0 to 1
kbowpres -- pressure of the bow (as in wgbowed)
kgain -- gain of filter. A value of about 0.809 is suggested.
Here is an example of the wgbowedbar opcode. It uses the file wgbowedbar.csd.
See also
Author: John ffitch (after Perry Cook)
University of Bath, Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
New in Csound version 4.07