A high fidelity simulation of a plucked string, using interpolating delay-lines.
icps -- frequency of plucked string
iamp -- amplitude of string pluck
iplk -- point along the string, where it is plucked, in the range of 0 to 1. 0 = no pluck
idamp -- damping of the note. This controls the overall decay of the string. The greater the value of idamp, the faster the decay. Negative values will cause an increase in output over time.
ifilt -- control the attenuation of the filter at the bridge. Higher values cause the higher harmonics to decay faster.
kpick -- proportion of the way along the point to sample the output.
axcite -- a signal which excites the string.
A string of frequency icps is plucked with amplitude iamp at point iplk. The decay of the virtual string is controlled by idamp and ifilt which simulate the bridge. The oscillation is sampled at the point kpick, and excited by the signal axcite.
Here is an example of the wgpluck opcode. It uses the file wgpluck.csd.
See also
Author: Michael A. Casey
Cambridge, Mass.
New in Version 3.47