Performs filtering using a transposed form-II digital filter lattice with radial pole-shearing and angular pole-warping.
General purpose custom filter with time-varying pole control. The filter coefficients implement the following difference equation:
the system function for which is represented by:
At initialization the number of zeros and poles of the filter are specified along with the corresponding zero and pole coefficients. The coefficients must be obtained by an external filter-design application such as Matlab or Octave (GPL) and specified directly or loaded into a table via GEN01. With zfilter2, the roots of the characteristic polynomials are solved at initialization so that the pole-control operations can be implemented efficiently.
The filter2 opcodes perform filtering using a transposed form-II digital filter lattice with no time-varying control. zfilter2 uses the additional operations of radial pole-shearing and angular pole-warping in the Z plane.
Pole shearing increases the magnitude of poles along radial lines in the Z-plane. This has the affect of altering filter ring times. The k-rate variable kdamp is the damping parameter. Positive values (0.01 to 0.99) increase the ring-time of the filter (hi-Q), negative values (-0.01 to -0.99) decrease the ring-time of the filter, (lo-Q).
Pole warping changes the frequency of poles by moving them along angular paths in the Z plane. This operation leaves the shape of the magnitude response unchanged but alters the frequencies by a constant factor (preserving 0 and p). The k-rate variable kfreq determines the frequency warp factor. Positive values (0.01 to 0.99) increase frequencies toward p and negative values (-0.01 to -0.99) decrease frequencies toward 0.
Since filter2 implements generalized recursive filters, it can be used to specify a large range of general DSP algorithms. For example, a digital waveguide can be implemented for musical instrument modeling using a pair of delayr and delayw opcodes in conjunction with the filter2 opcode.
A controllable second-order IIR filter operating on an a-rate signal:
Here is an example of the zfilter2 opcode. It uses the files zfilter2.csd.
See also
Specialized Filters: Other filters
Author: Michael A. Casey
Cambridge, Mass.
New in Version 3.47